Saturday, June 7, 2014

Emergency words abroad

When you head to a foreign land, it's nice to take note of some emergency phrases, as well as basic greetings in the native language of the land.  Here are some I've put together from my travels.  Make your own list and keep it in your bag for easy access next time you're abroad!

No matter where you travel,
it's good to know some local
emergency words, just in case!

Ayudame (Help me)
El Medico (The doctor)
El bano (The bathroom)
Ladron (Thief)
Ambulancia (Ambulance)
Hola (Hello)
Adios (goodbye)
Buenas tardes (good afternoon)
Gracias (thank you)

Un accident (Accident)
Au voleur (Thief)
Au feu (Fire)
Au secours (Help)
Urgence (Emergency)
J'ai perdu mon passeport (I've lost my passport)
Je suis perdu(e) (I'm lost)
Bonjour (Hello, Good morning…)
Salut (Hi)
Au revoir (Goodbye)

Hilfe (Help)
Dieb (Thief)
Feuer (Fire)
der Krankenwagen (Ambulance)
Hilf Mir (Help me)
Ich bin in Gefahr (I'm in danger)
Es ist ein Notfall (It's an emergency)
Guten Tag (Hello)
Bitte (Please)
Danke (Thank you)
Auf Wiedersehen (Goodbye)

Aiuto (Help)
Mi sento male. (I feel sick.)
Ho bisogno di un dottore medico. (I need a doctor.)
E un'emergenza! (It's an emergency!)
Dov'e la farmacia piu vicina? (Where's the nearest pharmacy?)
Ambulanza (Ambulance)
Ciao (Hello and Goodbye)
Grazie (Thank You)
Come stai (How are you?)

1 comment:

  1. Great advice! You just saved me from buying four dictionaries this summer!!
